"All life is interrelated. [We are] all..caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be...This is the interrelated structure of reality.    "

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Weekes In Advance Enterprises is owned and operated by a descendant of indigenous African peoples who were kidnapped from countries in western Africa by European human traffickers and enslaved by European colonizers in the United States and The Caribbean. Because of these ancestors’ resilience, perseverance, and wisdom, we exist and enjoy the fruit of their sacrifices and vision. In these ways, we are unapologetically committed to the continuing work of liberation for all African descended peoples.

From the moment the first Indigenous Africans were brought to a settler colony to work in lands that Europeans were taking from Native peoples, African and Native futures would be embroiled in the ongoing twin oppressions of dispossession and enslavement. Solidarity and kinship between African peoples and the peoples of the Americas has been in existence since then and continues to this day, some 500 years later. To learn more about the unique disparities and injustices towards Native and Black communities, as well as their active legacies of resistance to these disparities and injustice, follow the work of The Red Nation, The Movement for Black Lives, The BIPOC Project and many others.

Black and Indigenous Solidarity

Increasingly, business, social and cultural activities are being conducted on-line -- and especially in light of the COVID19 pandemic. Weekes In Advance Enterprises recognizes that it is a privilege to have access to modern information and communications technology. There is a “digital divide” that exists between those in cities and those in rural areas; between the formally educated and those without formal education; between socioeconomic groups; and, globally, between the more and less industrially developed nations. By focusing on social justice and equity in our work, we hope to leverage our privileges in ways that contribute to the ending of the Digital Divide by actively working to eliminate the underlying social inequities that contribute to it.

Weekes In Advance Enterprises, a Black woman-owned and operated firm, acknowledges that we work and live on Native land. All United States land was stolen by European invaders from the various Native nations of people who had inhabited, cultivated, and stewarded an impressive agricultural civilization here for thousands of years prior to the Europeans’ arrival. We honor the ingenuity, resilience, and lives of these Native peoples -- and understand that we are only able to live and work in the ways we do because of them. Moreover, we celebrate the fact that Native peoples continue to live, thrive, and lead today - despite continued affronts to their humanity, sovereignty, and thriveability.
We are headquartered in Atlanta, GA, on the lands of the Muscogee and Creek peoples, and we work throughout the U.S. To learn more about the Native land that you live on, please explore this map and toolkit.

The Digital Divide

Native Lands

Weekes In Advance Enterprises recognizes the fundamental rights of the natural world and joins with others calling on the governments and peoples of the world to adopt and implement a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.

Mother Earth

Collective Liberation